Music • News • Politics
Who would have thought that we would be fighting to speak The Truth in 2022.
But here we are.
Television has only been a part of our lives for 70 years.
And the Internet has been with us for 40 years.
But both have been taken over by manipulators who have changed our societies, our family values, and turned the masses into woke new-speak parrots.
This is a battle we have to fight to protect our children & their future.
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September 06, 2022

Liz Truss - Day One.

Check List

Make friends with Trump
Join the Quantum financial system.
Apologise to Penny Mordaunt for rigging the election.
Stop the Ukraine war.
Invade The City in London & introduce Martial Law.
Get rid of the illegal migrants.
Re-introduce the British Justice System
Make lawyers work for free.
Make accountants liable for their frauds.
Sack all the woke Civil Servants.
Cut Civil Service down nationally by 50% from the top.
Enforce Crimes Against Humanity Laws
Move UK Parliament to Nottingham Castle.
Make UK Parliament, London, a tourist attraction.
Cut down MP's by 50%
Remove payments for MP second homes.
Make Civil Servants & Public Servants liable to prosecution.
Negotiate a New World Order with Russia & China.
Scrap smart motorways.
Scrap 5G smart cities
Scrap PCC police controllers.
Nationalise: Water, Energy, telecoms,
Re-introduce consumer protection laws.
Re-introduce food protection laws.
Scrap Net Zero
Scrap electric car subsidies.
Enforce new school & university curriculums based on peace & humanity.
Scrap the House of Lords.
Make public servants sackable.
Introduce new laws to imprison fraudster public servants.
Change to bug restaurants in parliament.
Cancel parliament alcohol licenses.
Scrap the committee of 300 & all knighthoods.
Shut down County Council Lieutenant grants
Shut down all corrupt corporations.
Register all Corporations in the UK for UK tax.
Remove all corporate criminals from HMRC.
Remove all corporate criminals from public service contracts.
Prosecute corporate directors for Crimes Against Humanity
Prosecute corporate directors for fraud.
Prosecute corporate directors for Crimes in other countries
Enforce the death penalty for Treason.
Enforce the death penalty for fraud in public office.
Scrap all taxes.
Scrap all travel allowances for Public Servants
Ban offshore companies & bank accounts.
Ban private aeroplanes.

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July 23, 2022
The Idiot King

THE IDIOT KING: Just waiting for the Carbon Tax on pets.

June 11, 2022
February 24, 2025


Ukraine, Russia, and the West’s fatal miscalculation

Fyodor Lukyanov

It’s always easy to feel prescient in hindsight. I recall conversations from 15 or 20 years ago with Western interlocutors – who are now from unfriendly nations – on NATO expansion. The discussions always began in a relatively solemn manner. From our side, we politely asked, why are you doing this? The bloc was creeping ever closer to Russia’s borders, despite assurances that it was not an anti-Russian project. Their response was equally polite: What are you talking about? This is not directed against Russia. You should welcome having stable, democratic neighbors under NATO’s watchful eye.

After an hour, especially in informal settings, the real opinions began to surface. We warned, if you keep pushing, you’ll eventually reach Ukraine – and that is impossible. That is the red line.

The response? Come on! You objected to Poland and Hungary, and then you accepted it. You were angry about the Baltics, and nothing ...

November 24, 2024

Lakenheath RAF Base which has four US B52 bombers is accepting US nuclear bombs which are three times more powerful than Hiroshima. During the cold war it had over 100 bombs in storage. Unidentified drones have been monitoring the situation

post photo preview
November 23, 2024


A common mistake in statistical analysis occurs when researchers have access to a large amount of data but focus on a small part of it that fits their original hypothesis.

Lucy Letby appears to have been arrested & interviewed by police several times without legitimate legal representation.
She should have remained silent as she had no idea what was going on & was in the process of a mental breakdown due to overwork & stress.
The police appeared to be out of their depth with the multiple medical analyses & used advice, statements & information from people who had their own hidden agendas.

Instead of making sure that its statistical figures were accurate, the prosecution seems to have ignored the statistics & looked for a scapegoat.
What is not in the police’s remit is finding a systemic problem in an organization like the National Health Service
After decades of underfunding, where you have overworked people cutting corners with very vulnerable babies, you are already in a ...

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